PAX Technology, one of the world’s leading manufacturers of point-of-sale terminal solutions, is pleased to announce that certification has been granted by Groupement des Cartes Bancaires (GIE CB – France’s national interbank network association) to PAX France for their standalone payment application conforming to the latest FRv6.2.1 specifications.
The solution is designed to take full advantage of the services provided by MAXSTORE, the payment industry’s leading Mobile Device Management platform that provides modern administrative functionalities, real-time data & statistical reporting, and hundreds of value-added software applications. Thanks to MAXSTORE, terminal estate owners and maintenance companies can remotely create merchant contracts and manage devices remotely, without having to physically interact with them in the field. MAXSTORE also allows remote control of PAX FRv6 application parameters such as timeouts, email accounts, beneficiaries, and gateways, helping to save manpower resources when compared to traditional on-site deployment and management. The PAX FRv6 application easily interfaces with third party software apps loaded in PAX devices through secure app2app mechanisms, meaning PAX SmartPOS terminals can run multiple applications seamlessly.
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